Here is another collection of five great short animation movies I watched last week. I really like the first two movies, both are very high quality animation movies telling an inspiring story about being persistent and never giving up.
This blog post is part of “The Animated Five” blog post series. You can find other animations under the animations category. Please let me know which one is your favorite and feel free to suggest other movies.
This is a special one! If you have ever been to Holland and tried “broodje haring” then you will know the smell they are referring to in this movie.
Slug Invasion
A dark hilarious and creative movie about slugs having an invasion. If you want to know how such a slug invasion would look like then you definitely have to watch this movie!
Ascencion is beautiful! Haring is hilarious ;) Slug invasion has a refreshing point of view. ThnXagain4sharing.
You are welcome! :)