Short Animation Movies – The Animated Five, #6

Hi all, here is another post of “The animated five” with some great short animation movies. Every week I share 5 great short films, I hope you will enjoy the movies of this week. Please feel free to share your thoughts or any great animation movie.

A intriguing short film: Copia A

Please watch this movie carefully and till the end, I think you will love it! In this movie you will see the adventures and misfortunes of Demódoco, a projectionist, who discovers something really enjoyable by chance.

Short animation: A Fox Tale

This fox tale will show you why you should never mess with a fox.

Cute short film: Luminoir

This is a adorable film about a girl who is afraid of the dark. Watch how she enters the world of darkness and conquers her fears.

Animated short film: Parigot

Cool animation movie in which a hungry and probably homeless guy is chasing after some delicious dish, luckily he gets some help…

Short animation robot movie: Desire

Yes, apparently even robots can have desires. This movie shows a never ending desire of a small robot. He wants to be faster, bigger, stronger and more, but will it all be worth it?!


Short Animation Movies, sci-fi edition – The Animated Five, #5

Here is another post of “The Animated Five”. The past week I mainly watched science-fiction movies. It’s one of my favorite movie genres, they are quite mysterious and make you wonder about the future. As a tech guy I really love to see and think about the amazing creations artists came up with. They are quite inspiring, some creative artifacts might seem utterly complicated and impossible to make and others may seem plausible to have in the near future. The movies I’ve shared have some amazing artifacts. Please feel free to share your thoughts, enjoy watching the movies!

A short film: Abiogenesis

An amazing animation movie showing how a strange mechanical device lands on a unknown planet and creates life.

Mysterious short animation: Ruin

A mysterious movie set in a post-apocalyptic universe.

Short film: Stray

Awesome movie about a lonely guy living on a floating outpost somewhere high above. You will probably be watching this and think “How could this thing float?!”.

Short animation: No-A

Great movie about a robot trying to rescue his creator. I think you will love this piece of art, don’t forge to check out their beautiful artwork here:!concepts/c1p9k

Short film: LONE

This movie is about an astronaut going on a deep-space mission to find life on another planet.

Short Animation Movies – The Animated Five, #4

Another blog post of “The Animated Five”. Every week I share 5 great short animation movies. This week’s movies I watched were mostly about love, I think you will enjoy! You can find other animations under the animations category. Feel free to let me know which one is your favorite or suggest a nice animation.

Short Animation Film: On The Same Page

Adorable movie with creative and beautiful scene transitions.

Short Funny Animation Movie: Jinxy Jenkins & Lucky Lou

A funny and lovely “ying-yang” movie, they were made for each other!

Beautiful Short Animation Movie: Dia De Los Muertos

Stunning and colorful animation in which a girl visit the land of the dead.

Animated Short film: Cupido – Love Is Blind

A funny short movie where Cupido is trying his best to correct his mistakes

Short Animation: The Small Shoe Maker

Watch the daily life of a passionate small shoemaker in Paris



Five Short Animation Films – The Animated Five, #3

Here’s another blog post of “The Animated Five”. Every week I share 5 great short animation movies. You can find other animations under the animations category. Feel free to let me know which one is your favorite.


Great apocalyptic 3D animated short film with a marvelous and intriguing setting.


A beautiful artistic movie about an Inuit child wandering away from his village, fascinated by a wild bird.

If you have stereographic 3D glasses then you can view this movie in 3D here:

Brain Divided

Funny love story showing how a young man tries his best to win her love.

Angle Mort

Some things in life are worth dying for, or not…?! Just watch and decide for yourself.

Gopher Broke

Funny movie about a mole trying to get something to eat (and survive).