Short Animation Movies – The Animated Five, #10

Ten weeks long I have posted short animation movies. This will be my last post for the “Animated Five” series. I have enjoyed watching and sharing those movies with you. I hope you enjoyed it too. So here are for the final time my 5 favorite short films I have watched last week.

Short Animation Movie: What the Fly!

Watch how a lizard conductor is struggling to lead his symphony in this funny and brilliant short film.

A Short Animated Commercial: Triumph – Find The One.. Again!

The animation is a commercial and musical in one, it’s quite different from my other films I have shared before.

A Marvelous Short Animation: EXODE

Watch a giant and dying wandering in a desert. Will this be the end or a new beginning?

Animated Short: Emergence

This is not really an animation, but definitely worth to watch! In this short movie you will discover amazing fractal landscapes and structures.

Short Animated Film: Alive Overwatch

Another great Overwatch movie full of action in which an Overwatch agent is in pursuit and tries to stop Widowmaker, a deadly assassin.

What’s next?

To be honest I don’t know yet. I have several topics in my mind like:

  • Posting short howtos about Java/PHP frameworks/libraries, tips & tricks;
  • Since I’m a travel fanatic I would like to share some travel tips;
  • Besides travelling I love meeting new people, cultures, maybe I can talk about that as well;
  • Share my ‘weird’ taste of music, which got largely influenced by the people I met from different cultures;
  • Post something about my projects, life, my failures and successes;
  • Talk about automation, one of my favorite topics;
  • etc..

There are plenty of ideas, please let me know if you have any suggestions and please share what you would like to hear from me. But first I’m going to enjoy my break in Indonesia:

This is one of the Islands I go to, not bad, right?! Besides Karimunjawa I will go to Java and visit Jakarta, Semarang and Bandung. In Jakarta I will join the hidden Jakarta tour where I will see the real Jakarta:

I’m really looking forward to this intercultural trip. I think it will be a big eye-opener for me to see how the people live (and survive) in Jakarta. I still don’t understand why at least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day in poverty. Well maybe some day I will understand. I really hope my small donation will contribute to something wonderful. For now I want to wish you a wonderful day and see you next time, sampai jumpa!

Short Animation Movies – The Animated Five, #9

The past week I have again watched some great short animation movies, which I will share below. Every week I share 5 great short films. I hope you will enjoy the movies of this week. Please feel free to share your thoughts or any great animation movie.

Short Animation Film: Gentleman’s Duel

A funny and  creative movie about two real gentlemen with an unexpected twist.

Animation Movie: Sintel:

Another great short animation movie in which you follow a woman on her special quest, she is searching for her kidnapped little dragon.

A Short Animation: Branded Dreams

This is a superb short animation movie! The movie is quite dark, mysterious and dreamy, but somehow it keeps you hooked. In this movie you get an impression of a dream which is largely influenced by a specific brand. In my opinion it would be awesome to watch such commercials in cinemas, they are better than the mediocre ones you see nowadays.

A Short Animation: Recall Overwatch

A great short animation movie about a genetically modified gorilla called Winston. He is longing for his heroic days with Overwatch’s agents. Is it time to recall them?

A Cute Short Animation Film: The Gift

Warning, this movie has a high cuteness factor! In this movie a young girl made a special gift for her mom and dad, but she is not sure if she can give it since they are having a fight.



Short Animation Movies – The Animated Five, #8

Every week I share 5 great short animation movies. I hope you will enjoy the movies of this week. Please feel free to share your thoughts or any great animation movie.

Short Animation: Au fil de l’âge

Beautiful movie about a grandmother sharing her values with her daughter, follow them on an amazing journey.

A Funny Short Film: Green Living

A green sparrow wants to become elegant flamingo. With help of his friends he is getting quite close to becoming a real and elegant flamingo.

A Short Inspiring Movie: Rock In The Road

An inspring movie with a great message.

A Short Robot Animation Movie: Tea Time

A funny short movie in which grandma replaces her old dusty robot with a new fancy robot, maybe not her best choice…

Animation Movie: 850 Meters

Another funny film in which a not-so-brave knight is on a special quest. He needs to get this special sword in order to save the princess.

Short Animation Movies – The Animated Five, #7

Another post of  “The animated five” with some great short animation movies. Every week I share 5 great short animation movies, I hope you will enjoy the movies of this week. Please feel free to share your thoughts or any great animation movie.

Short Animation Movie: In Memoriam

Watch how an old watchmaker is working on his final master piece through the eyes of one of his creations.

Funny Short Animation: Partly Cloudy

Cute and funny movie you have to watch. Somehow you keep watching and wondering what the next cloudy creation will be.

Short Film: Life is Beautiful

Watching this movie will surely give you a different view on life and after-life.

A Marvelous Short Film: Goutte d’Or Short Film

This movie is truly a piece of art! It took about six years to create this stop-motion short film. The film is about a pirate who falls in love with a beautiful queen and her not so friendly octopus.

Lovey Short Animation Anya

Watch how a Russian orphan grows up and seeks love in her life.